Hiring Accuracy Blogs & Articles | Journeyfront

Who is Journeyfront?

Written by Nick Lyon | 1/11/18 11:43 PM

Having the wrong person in the wrong job is bad news for anyone. Poor job fit leads to employee dissatisfaction and under performance, while companies foot the bill to hire and train these employees who don't contribute or even detract from company success.

We believe that everyone has potential to do great things, but that potential can only be realized when a person's unique strengths and abilities are a match with his or her job.

We're on a mission to help companies get the "right people" into the "right jobs" better than ever before. By utilizing the latest advances in predictive analytics, psychometric assessments, and machine learning algorithms, we can improve the accuracy of hiring and get more people in jobs where they will thrive. Join us as we discuss tools, tips, and techniques for using your company's data to improve your hiring outcomes.

Why Journeyfront Exists

If we can put a man on the moon and instantly communicate with someone on the other side of the world, why can't we select the right person for a job? Despite advancements in many fields like technology and medicine, we still struggle to make accurate hiring decisions. 

  • 46% of new hires fail within the first 18 months (Source: Leadership IQ)
  • 50% of hourly employees quit or are fired within their first 6 months (Source: Humetrics)
  • 19% of hires are declared an unequivocal success. (Source: Center for Creative Leadership)

These numbers are staggering and the implications are even greater. Hiring the wrong employee is estimated to cost a company up to 200% of that employee's first year salary. Not only is hiring the wrong person expensive, poor job fit trickles into every part of the organization through low morale, poor culture, team conflict and more. Why is it that we can only get it right 19% of the time? And how do we make it better? 

We exist to solve this problem by helping companies know who to hire.


Welcome to the Journeyfront Blog

Our mission is bigger than just us. This blog is written for anyone who has a vested interest in improving hiring accuracy. Whether you're in charge of talent acquisition/recruiting, or a hiring manager with a stake in getting the right people on your team, there is something here for you. 

We're building a community of like-minded professionals who share our belief that we can hire smarter through the use of research-based, data-driven practices. If you believe in data-driven hiring and want to improve your hiring outcomes, you've come to the right place. Together we can tackle this problem in a meaningful way.

Why Should I Read & Subscribe?

We're bringing together content that will educate, inspire, and create conversations about how to improve hiring accuracy. We will gather, present, and discuss topics related to using data, predictive analytics, and psychometric assessments to improve our ability to select the right candidates for the right jobs. 

Topics in this blog will be centered around themes like:

  • How to know if your hiring is working
  • How you can use your existing data to hire better
  • How to know what to look for in candidates
  • What are the advantages pre-employment assessments bring
  • How a predictive hiring platform can help

If these topics interest you and you want to support our mission, please stay informed by subscribing to our blog and contact us. We'd love to connect with you and work together to make hiring better for all.

Thank you for your support and best of luck in your data-driven hiring efforts.