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A Tale of Two Cities: Lessons for High-Volume Hiring

Imagine two cities...

The first is a city that simply “happened.” Over time, houses popped up in different neighborhoods, stores found their places where land was available, and parks were squeezed into whatever space remained. There’s a downtown, and scattered suburbs—what some might call “bedroom communities”—surrounding the core. The layout is organic but chaotic, making commuting a daily puzzle for residents. The city functions, but its growth feels haphazard, as if it was pieced together without a guiding vision.

Nick Lyon

Nick Lyon
Nick Lyon is the co-founder of Journeyfront, a company dedicated to revolutionizing the hiring process. With a passion for helping companies hire the right people for the right jobs, Nick is committed to building better hiring processes that ensure optimal job matching. He is constantly exploring innovative approaches to improve the world of work and focuses on creating solutions that enhance the hiring experience to drive better outcomes for both employers and employees. Through his work at Journeyfront, Nick aims to make hiring more efficient, effective, and equitable, ultimately contributing to a stronger and more capable workforce.
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A Tale of Two Cities: Lessons for High-Volume Hiring

Imagine two cities...

The first is a city that simply “happened.” Over time, houses popped up in different neighborhoods, stores found their places where land was available, and parks were squeezed into whatever space remained. There’s a downtown, and scattered suburbs—what some might call “bedroom communities”—surrounding the core. The layout is organic but chaotic, making commuting a daily puzzle for residents. The city functions, but its growth feels haphazard, as if it was pieced together without a guiding vision.

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