A Tale of Two Cities: Lessons for High-Volume Hiring
Imagine two cities...
The first is a city that simply “happened.” Over time, houses popped up in different neighborhoods, stores found their places where land was available, and parks were squeezed into whatever space remained. There’s a downtown, and scattered suburbs—what some might call “bedroom communities”—surrounding the core. The layout is organic but chaotic, making commuting a daily puzzle for residents. The city functions, but its growth feels haphazard, as if it was pieced together without a guiding vision.
A Tale of Two Cities: Lessons for High-Volume Hiring
Imagine two cities...
The first is a city that simply “happened.” Over time, houses popped up in different neighborhoods, stores found their places where land was available, and parks were squeezed into whatever space remained. There’s a downtown, and scattered suburbs—what some might call “bedroom communities”—surrounding the core. The layout is organic but chaotic, making commuting a daily puzzle for residents. The city functions, but its growth feels haphazard, as if it was pieced together without a guiding vision.
Why We Need to Invest in Better Hiring
Hiring is the one thing that sets the stage for everything else that's good or bad in an organization. Great hiring leads to productivity, engagement, innovation, and retention. Poor hiring does the opposite. The transformative power of hiring goes beyond merely filling positions. The quality of hires shapes the viability and future performance of your business.
It’s time we elevate the importance of hiring by giving it the focus it deserves, a concept we explore in-depth in our new guide to building your ideal hiring process. Improving our hiring is more urgent than ever in today's complex, competitive job market.
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Every company has its own unique hiring strategy, with some methods working more effectively than others. And while career sites, job boards, and recruiters all have their place in the process, these tools don’t always solve the top challenges of today’s talent acquisition leaders: hiring candidates who lack soft skills, are a poor fit for the role, or change their mind about the job.