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A Tale of Two Cities: Lessons for High-Volume Hiring

Imagine two cities...

The first is a city that simply “happened.” Over time, houses popped up in different neighborhoods, stores found their places where land was available, and parks were squeezed into whatever space remained. There’s a downtown, and scattered suburbs—what some might call “bedroom communities”—surrounding the core. The layout is organic but chaotic, making commuting a daily puzzle for residents. The city functions, but its growth feels haphazard, as if it was pieced together without a guiding vision.

How to Screen for Emotional Intelligence in Sales Candidates

Emotional intelligence is the ability to sense, correctly interpret, and effectively use emotional signals or clues in a social situation. For sales professionals, one of the most important traits that they should develop is emotional intelligence. For example, sensing when a pitch is working, identifying a truly interested customer, or intuiting a better approach to inspire a potential client about a product.

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