A Tale of Two Cities: Lessons for High-Volume Hiring
Imagine two cities...
The first is a city that simply “happened.” Over time, houses popped up in different neighborhoods, stores found their places where land was available, and parks were squeezed into whatever space remained. There’s a downtown, and scattered suburbs—what some might call “bedroom communities”—surrounding the core. The layout is organic but chaotic, making commuting a daily puzzle for residents. The city functions, but its growth feels haphazard, as if it was pieced together without a guiding vision.
Hiring for Culture Fit: Why Company Perks Are Not Culture
There seems to be a current trend among employers to offer more unique and diverse office perks in the hopes of attracting and retaining talent. While perks can be fun and bring momentary happiness, they do not meaningfully move the needle on employee satisfaction or retention. One such example was highlighted by Payscale’s list of employee tenure at Fortune 500 companies, which denotes that Google, a company that offers top-notch perks, has a median employee tenure of 1.1 years.
Are You Tracking The Results of The People You Hire?
Being in the business world, it's likely we're all familiar with Pearson's Law, which states: "When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported back, the rate of improvement accelerates." The idea that tracking performance ultimately yields better results is a common-sense proposition at this point.
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7 Signs Your Employee is Thinking About Turning Over
There are a lot of things that need to go right for a new hire to eventually become a top performer. In most cases, employees typically don’t check every single box you’re looking for, but there are a select few that come very close. Maybe even a handful that check all your boxes. Once you find those unicorns, it’s imperative that you hang on to them. Every company is different, but it might be awhile until you find another!