Structure Your Interview Process With Our Digital Interview Guides
No more emails, Google Docs, and spreadsheets. Create a structured, digital interview process to ensure your interviewers are asking and scoring the same questions for each applicant. Structured interview processes have been proven to lead to reduced bias and better hiring decisions.
Real Time Feedback From Every Interviewer
No more waiting, emailing, and searching for an interviewer's feedback. Instantly know what everyone thought of the candidate as soon as an interview is done. All in one place, instantly.
Automatically Combine Interview Scores in One Place
Our interview tool automatically combines and updates a candidate's overall interview score for each time a new interview is completed. You’ll always have the latest information and save time not having to manually bring all this data together.
Learn more about our Hiring Scorecards ->
Compare Candidates Side by Side
Easy compare candidates to one another to make informed decisions. All of your interview data is combined into an easy-to-read candidate comparison view so you can see how each candidate scored at every stage, and what everyone thought. Having this data all in one place gives you what you need to quickly make the best decision.
Additional Tools: See Our Complete Guide to Interview Scoring Sheets
Evaluating candidates based on a subjective impression can lead to bias and ineffective hiring decisions. This is where interview scoring sheets come in — in our guide, we’ll dive into what interview scoring sheets are, the elements of a scoring sheet, and tips for creating and using a scoring sheet effectively.
See the Interview Scoring Sheets Guide ->
Start With Our Catalog of Interview Questions
Get started fast with our robust catalog of interview questions. Whatever you're trying to measure, we have sample questions that can help you get started quickly.
Explore the interview questions catalog ->