A Tale of Two Cities: Lessons for High-Volume Hiring
Imagine two cities...
The first is a city that simply “happened.” Over time, houses popped up in different neighborhoods, stores found their places where land was available, and parks were squeezed into whatever space remained. There’s a downtown, and scattered suburbs—what some might call “bedroom communities”—surrounding the core. The layout is organic but chaotic, making commuting a daily puzzle for residents. The city functions, but its growth feels haphazard, as if it was pieced together without a guiding vision.
A Tale of Two Cities: Lessons for High-Volume Hiring
Imagine two cities...
The first is a city that simply “happened.” Over time, houses popped up in different neighborhoods, stores found their places where land was available, and parks were squeezed into whatever space remained. There’s a downtown, and scattered suburbs—what some might call “bedroom communities”—surrounding the core. The layout is organic but chaotic, making commuting a daily puzzle for residents. The city functions, but its growth feels haphazard, as if it was pieced together without a guiding vision.
Why We Need to Invest in Better Hiring
Hiring is the one thing that sets the stage for everything else that's good or bad in an organization. Great hiring leads to productivity, engagement, innovation, and retention. Poor hiring does the opposite. The transformative power of hiring goes beyond merely filling positions. The quality of hires shapes the viability and future performance of your business.
It’s time we elevate the importance of hiring by giving it the focus it deserves, a concept we explore in-depth in our new guide to building your ideal hiring process. Improving our hiring is more urgent than ever in today's complex, competitive job market.
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The Essential Components of a Great Hiring Process
Building the ideal hiring process is no longer a luxury; it's a strategic imperative. A well-designed hiring process is not one-size-fits-all. It needs to be custom-built to meet your organization's immediate needs while maintaining the flexibility to evolve with changing business goals and market conditions.
But here’s the challenge: how do we balance all the moving pieces to create a process that delivers both speed and quality, leverages technology without losing the human touch, and adapts over time? This article will explore the four essential pillars of a great hiring process. For a deep dive on this topic, you can also check out our Ultimate Guide to Building Your Ideal Hiring Process.
8 Talent-Acquisition Activities If August Is Quiet
There may not be the level of vacationing in the U.S. that there is in Europe in August, but there can be some slow days. Some people take PTO; hiring may slow; and there are fewer conferences and conventions.
6 Proven Steps to Identify the Right Applicant
Hiring great people is one of the most important and most challenging things we do in our professional lives. The hardest part is often just knowing what to ask applicants to make sure we're getting the right person for the job. We know there are certain attributes the ideal employee will have, but what exactly are they and how do we test for those traits in applicants? And do it in the limited time you have? This pressure often leaves one feeling overwhelmed and even a little frustrated.
Why Hiring Accuracy is More Important than Hiring Efficiency.
I recently had a conversation with a Talent Acquisition Leader that left me shocked. While talking about how important it is to hire the right person, I sensed an alarming degree of indifference around hiring accuracy altogether. I understand this is not top of mind for everyone, but this was coming from the Director of Talent Acquisition for a Fortune 5,000 company.
3 Ways to Increase Gender Diversity In Hiring
If you’re serious about increasing the gender diversity in your workforce, start with the hiring process. Here are three simple suggestions that will improve your hiring process and increase gender diversity.
The Top 2 Hiring Metrics Your Company Needs To Track
Now more than ever, human resources teams are expected to create tangible value for the business—from hiring and retaining talent to performance management to leadership development and more. People analytics are key to helping HR teams meet the demands of today’s business landscape.
Why You Should Hire for Conflict In Your Organization
If you’ve been incredibly fortunate, you’ve never worked in a dysfunctional team or organization scarred by conflict (or conflict avoidance). For the rest of us, it’s more a matter of what type of dysfunction we’ve had to work with. These dysfunctions can tend to boil down to four general cultures/behaviors of dysfunctional workplaces and teams that we’ll call: willful blindness, cold tensions, skirmishes, and active warfare.
Hiring for Culture Fit: Why Company Perks Are Not Culture
There seems to be a current trend among employers to offer more unique and diverse office perks in the hopes of attracting and retaining talent. While perks can be fun and bring momentary happiness, they do not meaningfully move the needle on employee satisfaction or retention. One such example was highlighted by Payscale’s list of employee tenure at Fortune 500 companies, which denotes that Google, a company that offers top-notch perks, has a median employee tenure of 1.1 years.